Personality Scan

The goal of the personality test or personality scan is to get a form a clear picture about the personal characteristics of a candidate. This is done on the basis of six broad personality dimensions with 25 underlying personality aspects

These personality characteristics form the basis of competenties and determine the extent to which competenties can be developed. The report therefore indicates to what extent the an employee's personality supports the development of a competence which is important for work.

The six dimensions can be found below:

- Emotional stability

This dimension gives a picture of the general wellbeing of a person. The scale ranges from emotionally unbalanced to emotionally stable.

- Extraversion

This dimension gives a picture of the degree of external focus versus internal focus of a person. The dimension ranges from introversion to extroversion.

- Conscientiousness

This dimension gives a picture of the degree of discipline and adaption of a person to the requirements of the environment.

- Openness

This dimension gives a broad picture of how someone views new experiences and learning new things

- Friendliness

This dimension gives an impression of how someone feels about other people. How does someone deal with the interests, feelings and needs of others.

- Integrity

This dimension gives an impression of the extent to which someone is honest and sincere. 

For more information please contact Edwin van den Akker, +3120-5040800, or send an e-mail to

Foto Edwin

drs Edwin v.d. Akker

Senior consultant, NIP registered psychologist

020 - 50 40 800

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