StartMeter MBO
The Startmeter MBO is an online instrument for students from the 3rd grade of VMBO. The goal of the Startmeter MBO is a better placement and the prevention of study dropout.
The Startmeter helps with job orientation and measures for example interests, motivation, competences, personality en learning styles. The tests clearly shows if a student has the correct attributes for a study program and also looks at the student's personal situation. An insight into these factors helps with a founded (re) orientation of the student. This test is very suitable for intake within vocational education. Experience ha shown that students find it very useful to fill in the StartMeter and that they recognise themselves in the results of the test. Click here for an extensive brochurAlso now available: the StartMeter Newcomers for vocational education. Intended for newcomers, such as refugees / status holders, with no or very little Dutch language proficiency. The StartMeter-N is available in Dutch, English, Arabic, Persian and Tigrinya.
For more information please contact Anja Rosner or Leandro Vieira, 020-5040800 or send an e-mail to