Career Scan

Who am I? What do I want? What can I do?

The Career Scan gives an insight into personal qualities and development points and also stimulates employees to think about their development and career. The report forms a good basis for a conversation about an employee's development or career path.

Think about questions such as: 

  • Do I want to take a step in my career?
  • Who am I? How do I behave in certain situations?
  • What do I want? What motivates me in my work? Which work activities interest me?
  • What can I do? What are my skills and competencies? What do I want to further develop?
  • Which professions do I like and which studies are suitable?

The Career Scan measures, among other things, what drives a person, interests, personality and competencies.

For more information please contact Edwin van den Akker, +3120-5040800, or send an e-mail to

Foto Edwin

drs Edwin v.d. Akker

Senior consultant, NIP registered psychologist

020 - 50 40 800

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